- The public accounting firm Gibbons & Kawash has announced sixadditions to its staff: Ann Harris, Shannon Newhouse, Jennifer Smithand Rebecca Wolfe have joined the firm's audit staff as staffaccountants. Kim Eskew and Zellia Campbell have joined the firm'sadministrative staff.
- Linda Bowman has been elected president of the West VirginiaChapter of the International Personnel Management Association. Alsoelected: Pat Quinlan, president-elect; Diana Spence, secretary;Andrea Fout, treasurer. Elected board members-at-large: Kim Akers,Ginny Fitzwater and Mark Isabella. The immediate past president isBarbara Wimer.
- John Williams of Fairmont, a Prudential agent, has been electedpresident of the West Virginia Association of Life Underwriters.Also elected: Janet Roe of the L.L. Roe Insurance Agency,Barboursville, president-elect; Richard Maze of Mountain HeritageInc., Charleston, vice president; Vernon Brinegar of Smith-Nadenbousch Insurance Inc., Martinsburg, secretary-treasurer.Serving as directors are Alan Zielinski of ABC Insurance Services,Fairmont; James Fox of Liberty Life, Bluefield; Clifford Marstillerof Innovative Investments, Elkins; Christine Ralstin of IntegratedBenefits, Charleston; and Doris Hughes of Lutheran Brotherhood,Martinsburg.
- Joseph McGlothlin was installed as president of the WestVirginia Pharmacists Association at the organization's 93rd annualconvention June 18 at The Greenbrier. He is the owner of TheMedicine Shoppe in Huntington. Also elected: Carl Malanga of theWest Virginia University School of Pharmacy, president-elect; LoraLewellyn of Elkview, who practices at Loop Plaza Pharmacy in St.Albans, secretary; and Charles Selby, who practices at the VeteransAdministration Center in Beckley, treasurer. Installed as directorswere Zachariah Phillips of CVS, Beckley; Jule Davis of AppalachianRegional Hospital, Beckley; Roger Shallis, owner of South BerkeleyPharmacy, Martinsburg; Steve Judy, owner of Judy's Drug Store,Petersburg; and Roger Cole, owner of Moundsville Pharmacy,Moundsville.
- Bank One Corp. has promoted Michelle Townsend to districtmanager, overseeing Bank One's Banking Center operations in Logan,Beckley and Huntington.
- James Hansen has been named a corporate fellow by Union CarbideCorp. Hansen is senior development scientist and group manager forthe Applied Statistics Group in the South Charleston TechnicalCenter's Process Engineering and Engineering Technologyorganization.
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers'Petroleum and Chemical Industries Committee has awarded itsElectrical Safety Excellence Award for 2000 to Bruce McClung.
- Paul Hart, a research chemist with Union Carbide Corp. in SouthCharleston for 17 years, has been named associate director forenvironmental management at the U.S. Department of Energy's NationalEnergy Technology Laboratory in Pittsburgh, Pa., and Morgantown.
- Genesis Hospital System, a three-hospital affiliationconsisting of Cabell Huntington and St. Mary's Hospitals inHuntington, Pleasant Valley Hospital in Point Pleasant and Hospiceof Huntington, announced three appointments to its marketing andpublic affairs staff: Christine Rice Koenig has been named assistantdirector of advertising. She previously was assistant director ofmarketing at Cabell Huntington Hospital. Dayna Massie has been namedmanager of public affairs for Cabell Huntington Hospital. Shepreviously was publications specialist for Cabell Huntington.
Julia Noland has been named manager of public affairs for St.Mary's Hospital. She previously was communications manager for St.Mary's.
- Commercial Insurance Services announced Geoff Christian hasbeen named sales executive in the Benefits Division and KathrynBurkholder has been named director of information technology.
- The West Virginia Association for Persons in SupportedEmployment has honored several people and organizations for theirefforts in working with individuals with disabilities or inovercoming their own personal barriers. Jan Lilly-Stewart of theDevelopmental Disabilities Council received the John Lipscomb Award.
The Arc of Harrison County received the Supported EmploymentProvider, Best Practices Award. Pat McIntyre, Trish Armstead, TerryMellott and Judy Greathouse received Supported EmploymentProfessional awards.
Libby Garlic, Richard Cunningham, David Perry and Jean McGaryreceived Personal Achievement awards.
Mountainside Media of Huntington received the Employer for SmallBusiness Award.
Thomas Memorial Hospital received the Employer for Large BusinessAward. Cindy Kitchen received the Rehabilitation Counselor Award.
Tom and Linda Gunnoe received the Parent Support Award. LindaQuinn received the Leadership Award.
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